mondial (and pop n fresh)

I need some help with mondial— and so pop n fresh as well.  I’m using as my guide Amento’s pop n’ fresh video, assuming the first “pop” is mondial.

I’ve been stuck on this trick longer than any other I’ve learned so far and just don’t quite get how it works, particularly the “pop”. Whenever I pop and actually land on the string, I’m on 2 strings, not back into the split bottom mount.

2 of my thoughts amidst the frustration— 1) I’m left handed and not sure if this has anything to do with my problem.  2) I can’t quite understand how the trick works which is contributing to my frustration.  A mach 5 is meant to “hug” the yoyo, yet I’m told to go into a mach 5 and then do the “pop”. How is this mach 5 hug supposed to let go of the yoyo?


I had the same problems with this trick. It took me ages to get it right, the main thing with this trick is that you have to make sure that your NTH goes under your TH for both pops, try watching a couple of different tuts on the trick and just keep practicing and you will magically get it, I was stooked when I finally sorte this trick out now I do it all the time.

P.S this thread should be in the trick section of the fourms

second question (sorry about the wrong section btw) my TH index finger gets wrapped with string when attempting to do this. Is that normal?