So clean. Anyone struggling with spirit bomb, kwijibo or anything with pops in it on a responsive yoyo needs to watch this video and see how you control the yoyo’s pop and descent perfectly to prevent it from responding
Wow thank you so much! If people are struggling with the yoyo responding, a good trick to work on would be black hops but just to DoN. So DoN then hop back to brother then trapeze then undercut back brother and to DoN. Ya gotta keep tension on the mounts the whole time and not let slack form or it’ll respond usually. That trick kinda teaches that lesson quickly.
Even in a responsive thread you find a way to get hades in there
Very nice. Love to see with the HK fired up when a bit dark. Let’s see the tubes glowing
I can’t wait for mine to arrive in my mailbox!
My MRM collection.
I like the pocket-friendliness of the ZGRT El series.
The El Tio is my favorite!
However, I can do some tricks better with the DocPop Stoopid!
So light but so good!
I’m going to say this and let the reader decide what it means…I haven’t decided what it means yet. You know that feeling you get after stepping off of a treadmill where you are slightly disoriented and feel like you’re still in motion for a moment??? I felt something similar to that moment of disorientation when going back to my Deep State after several minutes of throwing the Harbinger. This has never happened to me before, the Deep State always felt like a step forward after throwing something else. This creates turmoil within my psyche. Great tumultuous turmoil…
Oh, my!!! The deep state may have been knocked from the podium?!?!?
Harbinger is far and away the better responsive. Dare I say, the BEST responsive. I like it more than my daytripper which WAS the best until this sweet, sweet harbinger.
I imagine it’s dethroning a lot of peoples favorites right now.
The Deep State was never the best performer that I had. The Deeper State is certainly capable of more than the Deep. I always just liked the feel of the Deep State the most. Now with the Harbinger, I love the hand feel more, and the Harbinger has an easier time pulling off the same tricks than the Deep State. To me anyways. I play much more 1a style than stalls and such and the Harbinger is just delicately zipping through whatever. It’s great when you love one out of the box…it’s even better when time doesn’t make you love it less…it’s best when you just keep loving it more and more…and this is what’s happening for me with this Harbinger.
I can’t get over the finish on it. Finger grinds are so satisfying on this thing. Easily the slickest yo-yo I have.
Those spikes and that grey were made for each other.
I was wondering about these. How does it play?