Modern Responsive March 2024 Throws

I’ve wanted one of these for a while…


Orangey. Is that the other half of Xanadu’s blue one then?

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Nope, sorry.

I bought 2 accidentally, on purpose. I wanted one to pair up with the Prototype I have.

The Orange is a circumstancial by product.


The DIY-er (don’t actually have a name for this throw yet)


I like it. I looks really nice and I’m quite fond of the shape. You could call it the D. I. Why. :smiley:

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A historical throw for this style. Paved the way, is the definition of our new Modern Responsive Yoyo.


TK Tom Cat & The Rose Polished with Brushed Rims. Added a thin Dif Pad (RIP Frank Difeo) and finally getting the gap re-tuned, using YYF 100% cotton.


Did you make it? It looks very similar to a mystery fixie that I procured a few months ago.

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Ohhh! Did you get the full orange to my full blue?

Edit, I saw the answer to my question above. :stuck_out_tongue:



To answer the question from early about o-rings on rims. The cons outweigh the good. There were only a few throws that had them, the rev g, moonstar, modal and the original spin factor, I feel like I might be missing. The good thing about o-rings is it adds a bit of protection for the yoyo not really for the player. Some companies put the o-rings on the inside of the rim to add weight I don’t know if that was a thought from these designers. The cons from my personal experience, catching a yoyo with o-rings would be uncomfortable on your palm, if it’s a hard impact they would give rubber burns. Another issue I had 20ish years ago was people wanted to see walk the dog, o-rings protect the yoyo but it makes the yoyo shoot across the floor instead of rolling on it. If the o-rings hit your clothes it leaves skid marks on your wardrobe. You might say with as annoying as all that sounds why not remove them, well, you are now left with a sharp groove that will cut your palm when you catch it, or split your lip right before class. Cappy complained that he through so hard that the o-rings would expand so the Cappy and subsequently the wicked factor were made with solid rims. Again mostly personal gripes but I’m sure others had similar complaints and lead to o-rings falling out of use on the rims of yo-yos


The PLTPS is currently high up on my list, and the only Modern Responsive throw I really want besides the Workhorse, which I’m waiting for the production model.


This…is…sheer…classy beauty. Matrix right out of the box and still returns and no snags. Beauty. Love everything about it so far. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I really was feeling apprehensive about the 48 gram weight, I’m not gonna lie…but I don’t think you could distribute the weight any better if you tried. Regardless of the light weight, you still get tremendous feedback from the throw. It’s very easy to track, and control where it’s going. Super impressed is my first impression. Spot on @MarkD @Glenacius_K …Spot on!!



I wish people didnt get hung up about this. We made it 48g for a reason, not on a whim.

Its a large diameter, small bearing responsive. If it was 55g it would be a weapon.

I’m glad you like it despite the light weight! :grinning:


Throwing Mr. Ed around today. Wish i would have been able to afford to snag one of these. Need Jake to hurry up on production on these.


what lathe do u use?

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Was a small cheap desktop lathe I found on Amazon, really had my doubts but it worked!

Used some lathe tools from Harbor Freight.


It was never a doubt about the skills involved in the design. Not for me at least. I have numb fingers and I have had a more difficult time tracking lighter throws that I have tried…but you and Mark prove that there is far more involved than weight alone. This is why we are all glad that we have geniuses to open our eyes. :alien:

