So there I was… It was Wednesday and I knew I would be off for the next four days. Had a list of things to do. 10 things matter of fact. I figured in four days I could get most of them done.
So on Thursday it was all Thanksgiving stuff. All family stuff or food stuff. Just getting stuffed. 10 things to do 10 things left to do.
Big plans for Friday. Shift gears, dig in and tear some tasks up. My significant other had alternative ideas… Yes dear no problem you know me I can make up time. I’m a bad man. No doubt I’ll get her done.
OK, another day down the drain. 10 things to do, 10 things left to do. Great progress so far.
Friday night… Reformulate plan… Got to make something happen… Wishing for a miracle… Mo seldom wishes for miracles. I believe miracles do occur. But not when I’m watching for them and not when I’m hearing about them and not to me. Like the girl in Spider-Man said plan on being disappointed and you’ll never be surprised… Or something to that effect?
Woke up early on Saturday. Plans reformulated. Getting ready to rock ‘n’ roll. If I got anything done, it would be an accomplishment over what I had already not gotten done which was pretty much nothing. Ate breakfast boring…… choosing which cape to wear… Dull. Deciding which magnetic propulsion hovercraft to launch from the Batcave.
Decided that wishing for a miracle should get a second effort. So I paced around<> I decided to brainwash myself into positivity. Good things can happen… Good things can happen to me… Good things can happen today… Maybe not some thing outstanding… But at least something close to a miracle… At which point then I laugh, and I say to myself, yeah right just do something. Why not walk to the front door and open it to make sure the world still out there that might be an idea.
Two of my cats beat me to the front door. Somebody’s coming up to 15 steps to my front porch. As I open the door, I’m glancing down at such an angle I feel like a prison guard looking from a tower down in the main yard. No prisoners there though just a FedEx truck. And some young kid running up my steps, obviously at the wrong house. He smiles and says hi Mo. I hadn’t recognized him with his Covid gear on and a baseball cap but it was a guy. The guy that occasionally makes my day.
I thought to myself wow it’s almost like a miracle. I took the box went back into the house and opened it immediately. I needed to recharge my positive endorphins by creating some form of enthusiasm. That may result when you open something that you weren’t even expecting on that particular day. Some thing that was supposed to arrive on Tuesday before eight. But got there on Saturday morning.
And sure enough, the miracle did occur. As a matter fact, two miracles appeared. One after the other as a remove them from the box. New yo-yo day new yo-yo day, did I say new yoyo day?
I got a Lotta yo-yos. As you already know, none of my yo-yos come with tricks included. But these yo-yos are so darn good I just may have to force myself to learn a couple new tricks. I can certainly see how Mir and Miri can light some small fires as they throw these things hard and fast enough to generate sparks. I am not at the skill level to tell you everything these yo-yos can do. But I’ll tell you this they are really really good. My smile is actually hurting my face.
And on another note. Kind of late and running out of time. You still have about a half an hour to buy one of these miracles from YoYoExpert for 20% off. Heck of a deal that’s my two cents.
The hour glass is running out of sand. But it’s not 9 o’clock Pacific time/midnight Eastern, yet. So if you were thinking of getting one. Heck, you might as well get one at 20% off you think?