Mighty Flea bering

I was at school today, minding my own busyness. playing with my mighty flea, and like always, there was a knot in the string. So I took the yoyo apart and I was VERY careful where i put the bearing ( it doesn’t stay on the yoyo). Somehow i dropped it and couldn’t find it. i looked for at least half an hour non stop right after dropped. Never found it.

bottom line: I need a new Flea bearing. Does anyone know where i might be able to find one?

They are 5.00 on another Website i pM’ed the Link to you.

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Well done theyoster109. ;D


Uh… sorry :frowning:
You’re not allowed to link to other YoYo Stores selling the same Yo-Yo sold here.

That site has a bunch of YYF, YYJ, and Duncan Yo-Yos :stuck_out_tongue: