Metal LED light-up yo-yo history?

What’s the history of metal LED light up yo-yos?

Right now we have the YYF Kui.

And then there’s a new one, the MagicYoYo Aurora for $26.

I just got one of these to try, and it is kind of a great deal – you even get 4 extra batteries with it. It’s also more of a V shape than the Kui which is almost organic. Surprisingly vibe free and not too heavy, despite the additional “stuff” in the cups to support the LED action.

Still, I’m curious. Metal LED light-up yo-yos have definitely existed in some form well before these… which ones, and when? What was the first metal light up LED yo-yo? Was it more of a kit thing where you’d add it to some yo-yos before it became an official released model?


I prefer glow with a glow string(actually, does anyone even make glow strings anymore currently?)


Fun fact: The Duncan Pulse came out in 2007, and got a revamp last year. I got one in my early days of yoyoing (2016 something) so I’ve got the old one. I wore out the stickers and it’s been sitting on my shelf for about 23 months. I’ll probably pick up one of the new ones, if I suck it up and spend the money :slight_smile:



Aw nice, is it a metal yo-yo? Does Duncan even make metal LED yo-yos?

it’s not. You’d be hard pressed to find an older metal light up yoyo…

oh wait


I’ve racked my brain trying to think if there is another metal light up. I can’t think of any. Shinwoo made light ups but I’m pretty sure they were plastic.


It was a metal yoyo with a led module you insert. It’s the Medusa and I only know cause I used to prowl through YYE’s shop and look at things I can’t afford



Auldey has had it’s side attachment system for years now (like hubstacks, fingerspin cups and LED lights). Almost all of their yoyos come with LED side attachments. As gimmicky as it might seem, the system does work.


Ahhhh that’s right… A relative in China got me some yoyos (because he knew I yoyoed) and they were from Auldey. I actually lost one of the LED attachment and re-purposed the axle into another yoyo so I don’t use it anymore.


Back in like 2007 there was this metal yoyo that lit up, it had a picture of a Greek columned building on it, I think it was called ixions wheel or something like that.


Ah yes the X-Yo Ixion’s Wheel.

The acclaimed Ixion’s Wheel yo-yo from X-Yo gets made into a winged version with the Alpha.

Sure, X-Yo’s Ixion’s Wheel Alpha is a stable and smooth metal yo-yo … but there’s more: It also includes an easily inserted LED light upgrade kit, to instantly create a yo-yo light show.

A great performer, plus the cleverly designed light kit … it adds up to a great little-known yo-yo.

Specs: 63.5 g weight; 39 mm width; 55.5 mm diameter; uses .250x.500x.187 bearing.

Very narrow, almost looks like a deep state.



Yep that’s it, you found it!

This actually looks like a pretty great deal. I may have to pick one up.


I’ve always seen the light up LED type thing as being a massive gimmick so am quite surprised there is a big name yoyo company putting one out for $70. Definitely not something I much interest in

Seconding that the Magicyoyo Aurora Y02 is a really good option. Plays remarkably well, kind of like a heavier Hot Diggidy. I got blue and pink lights and half swapped it looks really cool at night or in low light.


Light up yoyos are the best! In the dark, it’s like a yoyo lightsaber. So much fun (for like the first minute or so, because you can’t see the string)

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I’m pretty sure those lights are the Shinwoo Light Kit and probably fit in that yo-yo with the caps (they also used to fit perfectly in the Dark Magic) (just added some weight)

I think the real question is what was the first metal yo-yo built with weight distribution for LED - and I think the Kui at least for USA distribution was one of the first.

As others have mentioned the Medusa and Uranus were both really amazing.

One of the first light up yo-yos came from Yomega and was called the Strobe Yo - and was actually pretty cool as you just ‘touched’ the side to turn it on. It was a pretty heavy yo-yo because of the lights though - when you broke a string it could cause some damage - haha. :innocent:


I mean, I guess? But that’s sort of like saying “fire clubs are a massive gimmick” in juggling or “convertibles are a massive gimmick” in auto design. You can argue that anything that doesn’t fit the high-performance template is a gimmick.

The point of a light up yoyo isn’t to be the best yoyo, the point is for it to look cool and be fun in the dark. Does that make it a gimmick? Not for those who are looking to yoyo in the dark or amaze people with pretty lights.


I guess I just don’t like pretty lights and reading back my post it sounds like I am being a bit of a wally so forgive me :slight_smile:


I gotta weigh the aurora side kits to see how much weight they add.

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