Message to the public

Kids, that is what happens to you when you smoke weed. Don’t do drugs.


If you are implying that I smoke weed, you are seriously misguided.

Clover all the way.


That the best you could think of?

this is weird because I had the exact opposite response from my yoyos. I’m 100% sure my yoyos are flirting with me. I made a thread about it one time… Perhaps this is a secret plot from my yoyos to get close enough to me so that they can wrap around my neck and choke me with yoyoexpert twisted string… I must totally reconsider my relationship with yoyos.

I actually feel bad when I don’t throw a certain yoyo for a while (poor loop 900’s). I don’t buy yoyos to collect but more for unique playing experience. If I don’t throw a yoyo in while it is more because I don’t like it (or can’t use it properly). I can understand the collectors aspect of it as well, I probably wouldn’t throw a mint custom painted first run peak (well maybe a little, hehe) so I don’t ruin the value by damaging it.

Hobo-yoyo, that thread was weirder then studio’s.

If your avatar looks anything like you, then you must be doing every legal and illegal drug.

Is THAT the best you could do?



The only way to tame a vengeful yoyo is to put it to sleep, duh. :stuck_out_tongue:

/lame joke. derp.

You know what… i could have sworn 2 of my yoyos switched spots yesterday…

its all starting to make sense


hugs not drugs… well… not ALL of them

Riddle me this… i just got my brand new black w/ lime green splash gnarwhal in the mail today from yoyoexpert. I was throwing it earlier, went to throw a breakaway and the thing shoots back up and SMASHES me in the eye socket.

I showed this guy attention right out of the box and hes going to pull a stunt like that!?! I DONT THINK SO! Just for that, he just earned himself a week in the pit (the box)


Well, according to yoyospirit, I’m on all of them, hahaha. So no hugs for me I guess.

It was excited to be unboxed and palyed with and was trying to kiss you.

Sheesh, can’t you see yoyo affection?

It’s mad cause it wanted to be my gnarwhale.

A wild gnarwhal appears!

xICooRsYIx uses “brake away”… It failed.

gnarwhal uses “body slam”… Its very effective!

Man those first few throws are the fight for dominance! You gotta brake it down and show it you are the boss.

Yeah, first thing I do to a new yoyo is usually ding it or hit it with a hammer.

Just so it knows who’s boss.