MB's Powder Thread! Come & see the power of powder!

I’m so very much drooling over my 54. mullicabob, you are insane!

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What up???

In a few weeks lol, gotta let you finish up your other jobs first lol. And I kept Josh waiting on this for way too long.

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"Finish up"he said. Better grab a book and have a seat my friend.

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Oh yea, forgot to ask, how bright does this one glow? I found the BVM to glow pretty brightly when charged, but not Glow Nasty bright.

Should be about the same.

Hey folk’s just wanted to bump this up to let you know that the 15,000 view pc contest is up and running. You can find it here:

That means the prize is $15,000, right?

Your contes rocks! A free bump! Sorta.

Hey I saw those Metallic Strings on the first page and I was wondering if the thread is polyester with a Nylon core because I make string with it all the time and it looks so cool :slight_smile:

The metallic has been added to just about all my variations of threads. I like the look and the feel is rough but doesn’t bother me. Most have said they don’t care for the feel of it though.

Somewhere on this site, in the “Exhibition” section I think, I have an old string thread floating around.

Strings are in the display case. I bumped it up if you’d like to see them.

I don’t do strings much at all anymore and actually left a member hanging recently. Very sorry for that, just have not had the time.

The video is up in the contest thread.

What color is in the very first picture? The reddish purple thing? IT’S BEAUTIFUL

Very first is translucent red aka anodized red.

You, sir, have won my imaginary trophy of legit yoyo beauty. Just with that one yoyo. I’m not sure why, that baby just speaks to me. Keep up the good work. And if I buy another DV888 someday, I will immediately send it to you, for one nice translucent red aka anodized red powder job. (It’s just gorgeous)

if any of you are looking for string with metallic like MB’s Hit me up :slight_smile:

Hey i have a few things.
1: so how does this work? Do i just send you a yoyo (after setting a price and making a deal of course) with the paint on and everything? or do i have to do stuff to it first?
2: how much would it cost to get one half of a yoyo translucent red and one half translucent blue?

Such things should be discussed in a pm.

Gotcha. I don’t acctually have the yoyo i want painted yet, but don’t be surprised when i message you. :stuck_out_tongue: