
Hey guys, I have the legacy and for some reason in the matrix or the zipper when i move my NTH over my TH to do the extra roll, string gets all rapped around the bearing, making my yo-yo die ???.. any advice?

Don’t put too much shortened word. make sure when you do matrix, you swing over into a trapeze first, then you put the extra wrap to do an another roll.

In both of those tricks you want the yoyo to be pushing thie string in a sense. if your pausing and trying to do it step by step it can get caught up and cause the yoyo to die. so in matrix when you do the extra roll, make sure your already rollin before you go for the second roll. and in zipper you want to move your hands accordingly with the yoyos movement so its not binding or spending to much time being pulled.

I’m learning zipper right now and when I do the first move out of the brain twister mount my string binds and smacks me in the knuckles. I’ve tried openning up the response more but it doesn’t seem to help much. It can do Mach 5 and split the atom just fine without binding but fir some reason I just can’t do a zipper.