I’ve got a whole lot of throws for sale! Accepting PayPal G&S (you pay fees) or F&F, I have a feedback thread Sammy_j feedback
Throws are nmtbs unless otherwise specified, and the boxes you see are the boxes I’ve got.
FREE SHIPPING IN CONUS (will go halve-sies for international buyers if interested). If any of the prices seem off, let me know! I’m always happy to do deals on bundles or haggle for a better price!
Starting top left, going L to R, top to bottom
SOLD YYFr Dove $20 - pink w/ pink hubs MINT SOLD
SOLD Mk1 SS Exia $45 - Scales edition SOLD
C3 Speedaholic Max $45 - b-grade fingernail vibe but plays well on the string
Vosun Vanquish $10 - marks around the rims, still plays well
Duncan FH AL $30 - NMTBS (I haven’t taken it out of the box in over a year)
SOLD FD Canary $50 - Canary in a coal mine colorway SOLD
unprld Elevation $25 - fun throw
Mike Monty Memento $20 - has some scrapes around the rims, still smooth
OG Recess Joyride $20 - marks around the rim, plays dummy well. I put OD slim pads in this bad boy
TRADED Throwing Sideways Parthenon proto $60 - has no engraving and is 1 gram heavier than production run. Super underrated bimetal organic goodness TRADED
GWAY Regulator $30 - has met asphalt once, marks can be felt, but still plays stupid good
Good Life Breeze $50 - has some light marks around rims but still plays well
Zipline Honey Badger v.1 $40 - some marks around the rims, still smooth
Amplified Banger $10
SOLD SF PLSTC $25 - opalescent colorway, has a black smudge on one rim SOLD
Magic Skyva $15 - cream color
Recess Charm $50 - Team Japan gold edition
SOLD Radical Seas Siren v1 $45 - absurdly fun little organic SOLD
I will be more than happy to send more photos upon request!!
- Thesis Antithesis
- Atmos Abel
- AtmosxCLYW Canopy AL
- CLYW Otter
- Luftverk new monometal 000