Lost my bearing spacer... so I made a new one!

rather I should say my friend made it for me. I had to coach him through on what parts he had to get just about perfect and where he could mess up a bit on. Overall, we did a pretty good job. I had to ream the hole to the shaft slightly oversized and grind down the overall thickness by about .014" but it came out pretty well.

All things considered, it’s not perfect, but it’s pretty damn good. The new spacer only adds the SLIGHTEST bit of vibration that you can really only feel on grinds. If I do anything else, I’d like to make a program to machine a new set on a CNC lathe so that there is a lot less eyeballing involved. also, having some spares wouldn’t hurt either. the bright side is that now I have some stock that already had the out diameter cut and the inner hole reamed. I just have to machine the inside step and cut it off to length.

I’ll throw in some pics if yall are interested.


Wait is this for a Gamma Crash? Nice!

yep, I lost the bearing spacer on the day that I got it, lol. I really wish more manufacturers would sell spare parts to the public, I feel like there’s a really big market for that.