Looking to trade for some A bearings

I realized I surprisingly have zero extra A-size bearings.

If anyone has two A-size bearings in good shape that they’d like to trade for, let me know. I got boutique strings and all other kinds of fun misc stuff to trade, I am thinking I can start with a new tube of the Ti-Vayder “lightsaber” YYSL strings?


Just buy a YYF velocity.

I do not believe that suggestion is in the spirit of trading


I getcha.

PS: Am I still grounded?

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Now you are for that terrible suggestion! Even if I was buying to throw away the yo-yo, why a velocity?


Most common A bearing yoyo.

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Most common, I don’t even think so, but also $15. You can think of other cheaper ones that also have an A bearing, I’m sure.

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You’re looking for bearings for the Cold Fusion? I probably have extras if so, I’ll get my big box of nostalgia out tomorrow and see if I have any still.


Kinda, but it’s a standard A bearing. Right now I swapped with a Confusion GT to get it up and running.


Ah, always thought they were slightly different. Either way I e probably got a bunch of extras, will look tomorrow :+1:t2:


Disclaimer: I haven’t got any extras and am actually short 1.

But coincidentally today as I was messing with the FHZ’s from the collection I just bought on the BST I was super pleasantly surprised to find that one of the FHZs had a Konkave A bearing, I forgot these even existed, never owned one. It’s fantastic!


Well I’ll be damned… I found an extra. Will send it Monday. Only 1 though. If I ever have a coding question and Mitnick isn’t answering his phone, your getting a DM.


I got the second for you @codinghorror!
I’d be happy to send it out on Monday for ya! No need to send me strings or anything. Will PM you :slight_smile:

I also have some spacers if you need them (they came with my duncan pro z).

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…though if you wanted to send me a Ti-Vayder…

lol :rofl:

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The Duncan Pro Z is a pretty good deal…especially if you can find them at a local walmart for $10.
They come with an A size bearing, as well as a concaved C…2 different sized axles, 2 sets of bearing spacers and the plastic spacers.
Really cool throw for the money. Under appreciated IMHO.


Ok I am all good on A bearings now thanks everyone!