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What do you think of the new Zombie commercial and Yo Yo?

it’s that thin??? shouldn’t that be a looper… even if it is metal??

Pretty good commercial it was kinda convincing

Yes, but what channels are yoyo commercials on? I’ve never seen one!

“Practice required”

;D ;D ;D

for the first time I saw this on tv today and I got all exited that people are going to start yoyoing more.
I would say that like 10% of the kids that see that go and buy the yoyo.
About 20% of those kids keep yoyoing when they realize it actually takes practice.
Maybe 5% of those kids keep yoyoing after other kids taunt them for it.
And 60% of those kids don’t quit after the first month.
That was a very good video though. I thought the part where it came apart was really cool.
A good idea would to show people yoyoing at a contest on stage so kids can see people actually cheering and stuff.