Looking for a new hook trick to learn

At one point I could land a -2.0 but now I can’t and it’s starting to become frustrating because I haven’t landed it in over a week. And so I’m looking for a new kind of hook trick to learn. But If the kind exists, I’m hoping that it isn’t a tension hook and it scores well contests. And if I can make one more nitpicky comment, then I’m hoping that the trick looks like it has a lot of whips. Good luck trying to find my very specific request :joy:

Whether anyone finds A similar trick to what I’m talking about. Main point is I just want to share my frustration

-2.5 :skull:

Of course, that would be a wonderful month of pain


Have you learned this one?


Not a hook but Iwasawa tower is similar in that it is a singular laceration and pretty much universally a +3 also quick to do so good for comp.

No this looks like a good one!

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I’ll be working on this one for sure!

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Let me know if you get stuck it can be difficult

I’ve tried it before and had no idea what to do. But I’m feeling more confident about this time. I’ll definitely reach out to you if I have any issues though

Here is another tutorial. It may help or not, but it’s nice to have different sources when you are stuck.


That trick is so much more difficult, i can hit a 5.5 hook before i hit that tower :joy:

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I can’t hit a 5.5 but I can hit that tower consistently. How on earth do you hit a 5.5‽

Bruh no way like I will never be able to 5.5 but I can do that tower like 4/5 times. They’re pretty different though like iwasawa is just one single whip vs big hooks you gotta rotate more. We can workshop it at club and you gonna be like ooo ok ez

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I’m not so sure about either trick now​:grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

I can deff help you on the bigger hooks and maybe you can help me with this one, attempted it for years but never hit it once :melting_face: looking forward to chicago starting next month!

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I just learned the Ripcord Slack and started getting it consistent after a couple hours of dedicated practice. It’s such a smooth and rewarding hook. Definitely not easy for most, but worth the effort!

Edit Looks like I might not have read your post thoroughly enough, and this trick doesn’t exactly fit your criteria, but I’ll leave it here anyway. haha


I’m just old and slow :sob: maybe your tips will help tho! We gonna find out bb

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There’s a hook to this one, and the 2nd trick is supposed to be a tension hook but I did an easier version of it https://youtu.be/xcqdqpv_2Ic

Ik u said preferably no tension hooks but I gotta send my tut on my tension hook combo haha