Looking for a new companion

-Do you have a preferred weight or weight distribution? Answer it saying similar to this or that yoyo.
No, not really.

-Do you have a price range?
Nothing too too expensive.

-Do you have a certain amount of yoyos narrowed down? List them.
Markmont classic, Triton, Gnarwhal 2, Bonfire, Draupnir, triad, space cowboy, shutter, regen, shaqler star, YYR Six.
-Do you prefer a certain brand?
Not really
-Are you looking for a yoyo that specializes a style? Like looping, off string, freehand, etc.
Something 1a but can handle freehand

-Do you prefer a certain response system?
-Do you want hubsstacks or z stacks?
Kind of
-What trick are you currently working on?
Sea sick

-Do you want a yoyo to Thumb grind or arm grind good?

;D ;D

Do you have a certain amount of yoyos narrowed down? List them.

Hey! You just listed all your yoyos, I don’t think that’s what it meant. You’ve misunderstood. It’s asking what yoyo’s DO YOU want that you don’t have. :wink: :wink:

A more specific price would help with a decision

I still stand that the werrd 86400 would be a unique addition to your collection

Thanks spar hawk, will look into that