Loadout Love

So in honor of monometal Monday, and the holiday shopping season, I thought I’d do something that I’ll probably never do again; a full yoyo review. I know, I know, I know what you’re thinking, “what can this absolute noob tell me about a yoyo”. My honest answer is something, probably not much, but hopefully enough as I’ll give what objective info I have, mixed with an opinion or two…and I promise not to say it’s smooth :crazy_face:

Back in mid October, as many will remember, @bheinz63 did a giveaway for a G2 Loadout and I was lucky enough to win. I’ve been playing it almost daily since and I’m very excited to share about it. Being as new as I am, I’ve pretty much been late to every party. With the recent release date of this one, there is very little info on it, so for once I find myself in a position to share a recent release with those who may be curious but haven’t gotten to play one yet. Loadouts drop on the G2 website every Tuesday if anyone feels inspired after this. Loadout release date was April 2024.

Ok, easy part first…AESTHETICS

Look at this thing :purple_heart: 🩷 :blue_heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is the unicorn storm colorway and frankly I lack the photographic equipment to do it justice. It’s become my favorite colorway ever and is genuinely stunning in person. The finish is blasted and is the right amount of smooth (feeling not spinning :wink:) yet textured enough to not feel sticky and it results in a matte finish.

I dunno what to call the shape. Maybe w, maybe v with flattened rims :man_shrugging: Also i like the extra cuts where the rims meet the catch zone. I don’t have any idea if they serve a purpose, I just like the way they look.

All in all, this yoyo is one of the most attractive I’ve seen impo.

Ok, the next objective part…UNDER THE HOOD

7068 al
Diameter 55.75 mm
Width 46.65 mm
Weight 64.4 g
Response G20 pads
Axle 10 mm
Stock Bearing G2 Ripper
Stock string G2 Diamond Blend (restock soon as per @G2_Jake)

I understand these to be typical specs for perfomance designs these days as yoyos have been pulled wider. I’m also given to understand that this is a typical full sized diameter. Please correct me if I’m incorrect about that.

The response feels just right. It has good clean binds even at lower rpm’s, and with sloppy noob bind technique. I still safety throw, but I’m not really afraid of being attacked in the face.

Weight is right in that comfort zone where it’s heavy enough to feel powerful, but not so heavy as to feel clunky or slow. You can absolutely feel the thickness of the metal at the rims, but if I understand weight distribution theory correctly, it doesn’t have so much rim weight as to have that “heavier than paper specs” feel to it like bimetals have.

The bearing is amazing. It’s quiet and spins for days. It’s concave. Nuff said.

Now to say the stuff that’ll get me crucified…PLAY

First and foremost, this is a BEAST of a yoyo. When first thrown it touches down instead of thunking down, despite the power it packs at initial spin. I love this part. That hard thunk and kickback from bimetals is what keeps me from playing them for hours since i usually play for anywhere between 1 and 3 or 4 hours a night, depending on the day of the week.

It has enough spintime and stability to handle all my noob slop and still finish combos with enough spin to bind nice and tightly. As a matter of fact, the power is surprising at first. It touches down so softly on throw that it’s spinning WAY faster than you may expect. binding too early feels like catching a fastball.

It’s wide enough to resist tilt well and is easy to catch. The catch zone is wide and feels so satisfying to finger grind, and there’s a response bump.

The cups are simple in their cuts but imo that allows the anno work to take the spotlight. It has spikes in the center. These aint ya se spikes either, these puppies are SHARP! Good for pull starts but it obviously isn’t they most comfortable ever. I happily trade a tiny bit of comfort for how b.a. the horns look.

It also has an irg so thumb grinds are locked in.

Finger spins are ok, but not the best, but I don’t throw very many finger spins so that’s fine with me.

It’s easy to move it as fast as i can go. Someone better than me can maybe speak to the speed since my style so far is slower paced with a focus leaning toward more techy.

The flat rims make it very pleasant to catch. Even when it hits hard it doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

Here are a few more under the hood shots.

Final verdict is this is a must have. I’m not a brand fanboy and this is honestly the only G2 I’ve thrown, but it just feels phenomenal to play with every time, and for a long time. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give this one an A+!! :+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

Please feel free to add anything I overlooked, correct anything I got wrong, and share any experiences or pics you may have with the Loadout!


dude this makes me so happy to read!! I couldn’t be happier knowing that the yoyo went to someone who’s enjoying it so much. the loadout is one of my favorite yoyos, and one of the very few that I have more than one of (weird no duplicates rule for my collection lol). I think you did a great job of describing how this yoyo feels, both in the hand and on the string. one of the little magic bits about the loadout is the G20 pads. they’re wider than standard 19mm response pads (hence the G20 name), and because of that the binds are crazy crisp.


Thank you for taking the time to write this up. And shoutout to Heinz on the giveaway.

Glad it has served as the perfect intro to our lineup.

Happy Loadout Tuesday!


Loadout Goatout. Or so i hear. Thing plays phenomenal

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it really does, and honestly the more i think about how to describe its feel, the more i realize theres something about it that i can’t easily put it into words. maybe its my lack of experience that makes me unable to accurately describe what I’m feeling, but there’s something unique and awesome about this one. i constantly find myself reaching for it and when im not playing it I’m thinking about when im gonna play it lol

Good review, even if you say you have “noob technique!” I always think reviews are worth making and reading so long as they are substantive and give information, which you did in spades.


Happy Loadout Tuesday yall =]


Picked one up second hand, still waiting on a message from the seller about shipping tho lol

Sounds like a made a good choice for a first G2


sweet review! pretty spot-on with what i’m experiencing. i nabbed my first loadout (and first g2) last week! couldn’t resist the red. this guy is sturdy.


why you gotta do this to me spliz i cant afford any more yoyos right now lol

at least loadout tuesday happens often. like, weekly even.

it’s on the short list for sure!

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I’m a bit biased but sea of flames is still the best color. :grin:


tell me about it! so much fire out there right now

I’ve gotten a lot of play out of my Loadout. Highly recommend.



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now thats good love 🩷 :blue_heart: :purple_heart: id get over it if i dinged but itd ding my soul too lol im good at finding grass and carpet

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The Loadout is on my very short list of yo-yos I’m constantly trying to hold myself back from buying but want so bad.




The Loadout is easily one of the worst yo-yos I have ever thrown.

So over-rated, that I decide to make my Positive contribution to the Yo-yo community by saving at least a small number of unwitting saps from making the mistake of buying one.

So, I am Proud to admit that every time I buy a Loadout, I feel I’ve saved someone from certain misery.

I keep crossing my fingers I will get one that sleeps for more than 7 seconds, but Alas, nothing doing.

My nephew Jake swore to me that there is actually 1 Loadout colorway that helps the yo-yo do tricks on its own. But I have 5 Loadouts so far and the only thing I reach for is Kleenex. I know I am a long way from saving the World, but we do what we can…

Life is rough and then we die.

But I don’t die easy and will continue to help save others from making mistakes with their hard earned money. Color me sad.


i mean, there’s your problem. you need 10. 10 loadoats will combine to unlock goatout mode, at which point you just stick your fingers out and it does the tricks for you. buy more.

cmon doc, I’m disappointed in you. i thought you knew things


I’m starting to a feeling that your doctorate is in Tomfoolery

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