Live Chat w/ Mark Montgomery - TOMORROW at 8PM EST!

We will be live streaming from here:

Any possibility of any contest giveaways? I throw my project religiously and really want a new throw. This looks awesome, but my girl has a birthday coming up, and Christmas (Not trying to end up in the doghouse spending her gift money on a yoyo :wink:

Besides your own signature yo-yo, which yo-yo release have you been most impressed with this year? What have you been playing recently? And, what non-One Drop throws do you enjoy?

I would like I ask mark:
Would you use this yoyo to compete with?

“The yoyo I designed specifically for my preferences and play style is not my favourite yoyo”.

“The only kind of play a yoyo can be designed for is competition play. The only characteristic that makes a yoyo likable is how well it competes.”

Is this your favorite signature yoyo yet?

You didn’t ask my question. I am most disappointed and I know the rest of the community is as well.

Other than that it was great to hear Mark talk about his yoyoing career and his new throw. Congrats on a nearly successful interview.

It isn’t a Truvth or something, Paul Dang competes with it.

Whose quote is that, PatCondon? I disagree with it, and would be curious to know who I’m disagreeing with. :wink:

Fictitious, fabricated to address the absurdity of a yoyo being built towards someone’s preferences immediately being their favorite, and somehow also optimal for their competition play because of that sole reason.

Kinda wish it was real, it would justify the aneurism I suffered while typing it.

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