List of Slimlines?

One other way to evaluate this is if the yoyo comes with the parts needed to play in more than one way. It can still be murky since I’ve seen the description, “or clean the bearing and play it unresponsive”.

The Starfire 2018 came with full and half-spec.

The Black Canon’s description says, “Functions well as a trainer and casual jammer in both responsive and unresponsive setups.” although it only comes with a full C bearing (I think).

The El Mijo shipped with two bearing widths and a fixed axle blank.


Yeah I moved the El Mijo into the “both” section. If you disagree with any of the moves I made or want to change them, you can edit the post with the list too. I didn’t know that about the Black Canon though, because I was kind of going off what you said in your last post. “prominent response bump which suggests to me that the design intent was to be played unresponsive”

There’s also the topic of yoyos that were intended to do both, but end up doing one kind of poorly. I’d argue that the Butterfly AL is a pretty poor unresponsive, despite being a great responsive. The Something Double or Nothing is an even bigger extreme like this. Although I’m not even sure that’s accurate, because the Double or Nothing was just intended to be a very challenging and difficult to play unresponsive. It probably plays a heck of a lot better responsive… but where do you categorize it if it’s better at responsive, but only intended for unresponsive.


Does anyone here know what the ILYY Trvth is like in terms of response?

It came with a standard C sized bearing and was unresponsive.

However, it also works well as a responsive.

Is there some kind of rule that only one or less metal slimline responsive yoyo can be readily available for purchase at any given time?

In my limited experience it seems to be the case. Maybe just a conspiracy theory.


There are just way less of them in general, and seems like theyre often made in smaller batches

The first rule of Slimline Yoyo Club is: you do not talk about Slimline Yoyo Club.

Sorry. But if they told you the truth about Slimline Yoyo’s they would have to kill you. It’s on page three in the handbook.


The Speakeasy Smuggler is incredible for unresponsive play. I think only about 15 exist, though. I’d love to see a Ti version, but other than durability, there wouldn’t really be a point.