LF: YYJ Jamboo

I’m looking for a mint or near mint Jamboo.
Picture stolen from YoYo.fandom site looks like they swiped it from YoYo nation…
DM me to negotiate

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I have heard that it is a rather horrendous yoyo.


I was intrigued when it came out. I recall “too many parts” as a criticism.

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Why is it, that there are not more bamboo yoyos in the world?

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As a player it is a piece of junk yes. But I like the look and owned one briefly that I fell in love with. It was in terrible shape so I sold it but always wanted a nice one for the collection.


I had one and I … got rid of it. Don’t regret that decision either :wink:

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Still looking for a Jamboo. Let’s make a deal.

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