LF clyw chief, thread for sale

I’m looking for a clyw chief. It’s one of the few yoyos I’ve wanted to try over the years that I have yet to get my hands on.

Can be fools gold.
Doesnt have to be smooth or mint.
Not looking for solid colorways.

Assorted polyester, nylon, rayon thread for sale. I used it to learn about making strings. $15 which includes shipping and PayPal fees.


There’s a brand new Matsuri Chief on the Facebook BST. I was offered this but it’s too much money.

Your mileage may vary. https://www.facebook.com/groups/yoyoBST/permalink/1090767177779067/?sale_post_id=1090767177779067



Actually $185 with shipping…you can find cheaper unless u really like the colorway!!!

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