can you pop out the silicone and put in rubber o-rings on a legacy?
i yoyo
can you pop out the silicone and put in rubber o-rings on a legacy?
i yoyo
No, I tried that and it won’t fit in. Putting a rubber o-ring wont fit because the seat is too thin for it.
It’ll fit if you cut the o-ring flush.
I don’t got one but I still dont think it would work try what kim said
how do you flush it?
Shave it down.
If I were you, I REALLY wouldn’t do that. O-Rings are soooo annoying and responsive, Try and do Laceration and it will break your fingers.
well i put an oring from my dm into my legacy. it took awhile but it fit
And yet, all my yoyos that have O-Rings in them are dead unresponsive
break the o-rings in
The legacy only go with silicone.
Hapy Throwing! =]
lol like kim and samad said, you can shave/cut the o-ring in half or something, then it will fit ;D
gm user:break the o-rings in
The legacy only go with silicone.
Hapy Throwing! =]
lol like kim and samad said, you can shave/cut the o-ring in half or something, then it will fit ;D
like what rsmod, samad and kim said, you can shave/cut the o-ring in half or something, then it will fit ;D
Actually i took out the silicone and put in one o-ring on one side and its really unresponsive. If you really have to use the o-ring, but other than that just stick with the silicone.
umm dude, this topic was last updated May 13, 2009. He maybe have solved his problem already
Please check the date before posting in the future (we all do mistakes sometimes )