Leftylink GA States Prelims + Finals

Here’s my prelim for GA States. Due to copyright reasons, my song was muted from the video. If you really wanted to know the song, it was Titanium by David Guetta. I got 11th in prelims, so I moved on to finals. I’ll update this with my finals vid once it is uploaded. I didn’t do as well for finals because the wind was picking up and I got more nervous. But anyways enjoy :slight_smile: . Any constructive criticism is welcome and also if you guys want to, please tell me what kind of “style” you think I have, because it is really hard to judge myself on something like that. Thanks :slight_smile: .



Wow Lefty great job. I am very impressed with your style, its like most of what the pros do except you put a lot of uniqueness in it. I can’t wait for your finals vid.

Nice job dude! You definitely deserved a spot in finals. It stinks that they had to mute your music though…you had such a great song choice!

Finals are uploaded, Im not that proud of it but oh well



I love your style!

Pretty good.

What was your music?

Titanium by David Guetta