LED 2a yoyos recommendation

I saw this was bumped up and might as well give an update to the 720 LEDs. They are good and play similar to the regular 720 with noticeable extra weight, which is fine, I set it up to my looping preference and started looping with it until I noticed one of the side were always on. I found out that the contact strips were always in contact with each other. I tried to bend it back, but I couldn’t bend it back.
image1 This is what the contact strips should be
This is how the contact strips on one of the side were after looping for a couple of minutes

I followed this post Loop 2020 LED fix for a good enough fix to the problem. Which is worrying to know a previous similar throw had a similar problem. The loopers are good, but it is unfortunate that this kind of problem could pop up in the future. I will try other recommended light up loopers.

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