I have been looking at Andre’s video string tricks.
Some tricks take tons of practice.
My question is how did Andre and others learn those complex tricks without video?
You really have to study the video to break down all the parts of the trick. Still fun trying.
there have been videos out from duncan and such for a looong time of the basic tricks. It also helps to know other people who yo and to go to contests to swap tricks. I dont know his story per say, but im betting that these probably did a lot to help them out.
Well, a long, long time ago, in a land far, far away, in another time and place, there were these…
Ken’s world on a string (kwos)
Sector Y - string tricks
http://sector_y.yoyoing.com/ (Archive)
Strings Attached
Shawn’s Looping Guides
Then, just before talkies came out there was this:
Begin to spin
Life was hard back then, but some guys just had the right schtuff.
Actually for me, I tend to do better with the illustrated tricks in a lot of cases.
Also, the yoyomaze trick CD has been good for me. It’s got multiple views, stop action and variable speed playback. It’s got a 1999 copyright. Go figure.