I like the tricks, and I should try the other ones a bit. TBH, I’m slow at this stuff. I have my own tricks that I still can rarely hit, even after 10 years at some of them, off and on. They are much easier than these, too.
I also have too many interests to not be a dilettante at most of them.
I’m still a big kid having fun, and that’s what most important to me.
Thank you so much for running the competition it’s been great fun and has really pushed me.
Thought I would put a little more effort on the video as there was no way I would hit all the tricks with my experience and trick library!!
Really loved it.
Face is fine thanks it was a complete brain fart moment and glad I got that on camera😁
Idk if I can get the third one in time but I’ll try. I’ve only watched it a couple of times, so I don’t understand most of it so far. The end just looks like you’re dropping it in a green triangle knot.
The start is just a slacky way into wrist mount. The rest is all red triangle based mounts. You might have a twist in the string but if you drop it you won’t get a traditional axle knot so it’s lower risk than it looks