hello, i am in autoshop and have been checking out the lathe there, and was wondering if i could either lathe a mini yoyo, or possibly put my kickside on and lathe it a little smaller to get rid of dents and stuff???
You could turn down your kickside but its a dangerous deal and your teacher would probably do it for you. Also if he doesn’t get things right then your kickside will be trash.
just wanted to tel uy this isnt my yoyo in the youtube clip
but i am making one, which i may put up a video on hwo it plays and stuff
i just need to finish up a bottle of shrip cocktail sauce untl i can make it
Unless you have a lathe to do that with, please don’t ask. A tut won’t really help anybody and be a waste of time because the people that already have a lathe know how to do it.