Las Chaquetas


Feedback is appreciated.

That was killer, youā€™re getting better and betterā€¦and I think taller too. What are you eating?? hahaā€¦great job as always, Iā€™m enjoying these. I have liked and subscribed too. Keep them coming.

Yeahā€¦ Iā€™m getting taller haha. :stuck_out_tongue: Iā€™m just eating my momā€™s homemade food! haha! Thanks for watching!

Last bump. :-\


Dude, you really need to make the audition video for deadly spins. They could use a joer like you.

Quoted for trooft.

Haha - You guys are too funny.

The thing isā€¦ I donā€™t have a facebook. :-\


I was just told that I donā€™t need a facebook. :stuck_out_tongue: Butā€¦ I donā€™t knowā€¦

Do it dude! Youā€™ve got the skills! Also,

I am intriguedā€¦ I wish to see this ā€œotherā€ video, it sounds interesting.

It was supposed to be a blacklight videoā€¦ Sadly, I wonā€™t be making one for now. The camera that I use just doesnā€™t pick it up.

Iā€™m not too sure about the Deadly SpINS thingā€¦

You should only do it if youā€™re into it. This would be a company you intend to represent and compete for. If you feel like youā€™re going to be put out on either of those counts, save your video-making energy for something just for the community to enjoy. :wink:

Wellā€¦ The thing isā€¦ Iā€™m not too sure if I want my voice in a video. :stuck_out_tongue: Also, Iā€™m probably not good enough to represent themā€¦ Theyā€™re an awesome company though!

Well,put your ideas on index cards. And are you nuts? You have a skill,Matt,donā€™t doubt itā€¦

You donā€™t have to be top dog to be ā€œgood enoughā€ for a sponsorship. But it doesnā€™t hurt to want to be top dog one day and be hammering away at that goal!

Our own recorded voicesā€¦ a sore point for most people! If you want to try out for the sponsorship, youā€™ll make it happen, knowing that everybody else feels just as horrified as you about having their voices in a video. :wink:

Wellā€¦ I donā€™t know. :-\ I just like having fun. :stuck_out_tongue: I may try out. Iā€™m not too sure.

But thanks for the idea!

Aww, thatā€™s a shame, A blacklight vid would have been really cool.

Oh - About the voice, maybe Iā€™ll edit itā€¦ Maybe, haha. I think I may give it a go. Not too sure, I just have to get myself motivatedā€¦

Nice video man!! It was inspiring to watch! :slight_smile:

Wow! That means a ton coming from you!