Kray´s 3D printables

Not cool.

Would you be willing to share them with me? Do I need to sign up for an account on thingiverse? I am not interested in selling them.

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Hey Metthew,
Yes potentially. I am on holiday and back mid next week. If you want DM next week.
No account needed I would share it directly with you.


Correct me if I’m missing something, but wouldn’t it be better to make your free resources available to thwart the ripoffs? Without the free option, people who want to use one of your designs will have no option but to buy an illegitimate copy from the FB sellers.
It seems that keeping your legitimate source available would deter sales for them since the designs are already out in the wild.


Not really since I have new designs basically every week. And the stuff from Facebook is not up to the standards I have now. And yeah maybe it was a rage quit but I hate if people do things like that.


Oh, fair enough. I didn’t realize you had new designs out so frequently.

And I agree, I mean I get it if someone has a printer and they want to make your design available to others who don’t have a printer. But if they’re selling the prints without some kind of express arrangement with you to make sure they’re not profiting beyond the material cost, then that’s just low and ruins what you’ve tried to contribute to the community.


I found that for me it is more fun to get into direct contact with the people who like to use my models instead of simply spread it to the masses.
And I definitely enjoy getting direct feedback and some new inspiration also.
For example this was great a cooperation with @Lukoyo


That was really fun!

Shame that some people have been abusing your work. I wonder if you could put a logo on your designs but I suppose that if someone had access to the file they could remove it.

Hard thing to police.

I think I may have had the wrong expectations also.
I thought I could engage people in some creative work and find some sparing partners. I still think it is an under discovered area. Since printing is very different from a mill or lathe.


Do you recommend filament or resin for first printer?

You can not really compare these. I have three printers right now. One with resin which I rarely use since I do not like the smell and the handling of the material. But I am also focused on building all kind of prototypes and not super smooth prints. There are also plenty of good services online if you want your 3D model in special materials or extra high quality.
Really depends on what you wanna do with the machine. But I would say FDM is def easier for a beginner.


What is your recommendation for the bearing seat? Should I get a couple Fluid 3D Spacer kits, or should I get some YYF spacers + axles + hardware store nuts?

I print my seats most of the time. Imo the only difference is the durability when unscrew your Yo-Yo a lot.