Kray´s 3D printables

Hey hey good people,
since I had a lot of request regarding my 3D models/prints the last half year I decided to make them public. It will take me a bit to clean up all raw data because I sometimes change stuff back and forward so the files are messy and not easy to use. I will try my best to get this as easy as possible to use for everybody having access to a 3D printer. This is my contribution to this great community of skill toy lovers. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Everything is and will be free of charge for your private use. I would be happy for every like, comment and picture you provide of your results. Also new ideas and improvements would be very much appreciated. More coming soon yoyos, counterweights, string holders and so on…


Thanks for sharing the designs, most likely going to add a couple of these into my display setup. I will share pics when I get to that point. My cubes take about 19 hours per 4 units so we’re backlogged a bit.


Thanks for sharing these!


Hey all,
you can now find a pretty often requested yo-yo design of mine on the download page.
As always I am happy about any response to the project.


Very cool. I may have to try that. What are you printing on?

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Hey @gregoryfromearth,
I own two printers but the most used one is the “Creality CR10S-Pro”. Nicest result I got till now was from an online service, which u can order your prints from. Very, very clean and better material. At home I printed it with PLA 100% infill which also does the job good enough.
If you print it post pictures please :wink:


I’ve been thinking about trying a yoyo on a resin printer. Someone here said that didn’t work well, but I don’t remember why. I also have access to a Makerbot I can try it on.


Hey @gregoryfromearth,
if you slice the model u need to check the weight. This is planned for PLA/ABS. If you use resin you should potentially make it a tiny bit bigger since resin is often a bit lighter.
But more beautiful visually is resin :wink:


Thank you for sharing the design! It works great!


The issue is one of deciding how to orient the part and where to put supports.

The downward orientation as shown in the above render makes the most sense to me, but in order to keep the inner cup from collapsing during (resin) printing, most of it has to be filled with supports, which creates a rather uneven surface in the cup. It would take a great degree of sanding to smooth that out, and the chances of doing that perfectly evenly and symmetrically with two parts is slim, leading to inevitable vibe.

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If anybody needs help with supports just let me know.


I seem to remember @kyo having various designs on his website that you could order and he’d print them up. I don’t think he does that anymore.

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I would have thought with a continuously concave cup you could do it without supports, but I don’t know that I have done a complete “dome” print like that.

Continuously concave, perhaps, but the exact contour will depend on the yoyo design, and unless the inner cup is a steep, linear cone, you will end up with a very (randomly) uneven surface. Even with supports this will usually be the case as there is no way to put enough supports in to really guarantee a perfectly smooth and precisely shaped inner contour. The area in there is just too large.

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@zslane before u spread wrong information I would prefer that u ask me. I find you very impolite trying to prof my work as bad in front of other people instead asking me how this was done correctly. Please stop this I do not like negative people spreading none sense.


I’m not criticizing your work. I’m only describing the issues I ran into when I ran tests with my own yoyo models a couple of months ago.

Hey all,
just added a new yo-yo “tool set” which consists of a stand and string pick.
I made this as gift for a friend and people I sold yo-yos.
As always post pics when u printed it yourself. Have fun!


I just released a new throw model in the wild which plays very well. Hope u like it!

Screenshot 2020-12-14 at 19.13.08


Did you decide to take down your designs?

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Yes since I have seen people selling some of my prints on Facebook. And I released them for private none commercial use only.