If you were performing and you got a major knot that you would have to unskrew the yoyo to get out, what would you do?(hypothetically speaking of course :-[ )
If I were performing I would have 3 yoyos ready to go by the edge of the stage, so if I did get a big knot, I would just grab another yoyo and keep going. If I didn’t have that option, then I would do an offstring throw, and attempt to put on back on the string via washing machine style. (or whatever its called)
I got a MAJOR Knot in my Performance at VA States 2010. It brought me down all the way to 13th Place. I bet I would have gotten a much higher score if I didn’t screw up.
I start to Screw up at 2:02.
I got a knot at a small State Fair contest. Just played through it, not a snag, a KNOT. That sucker was big. Earned some rep with the other throwers though
As other people said, I would have backups, and just switch it. Or if it was easy to pick out of the gap, I would do that quickly.
I play with knots all the time, I only usually change my string unless I can no longer control my tension or it is frayed. Knots don’t really matter too much, they just feel weird when you slide your finger over them. I will even leave a SINGLE slipknot around my bearing if it happens, when it comes to a double slipknot around the bearing it would have to be unscrewed to release them, if in a contest, I would just swap throws.
I think he means a dropped gt knot.
Which is what I meant by slipknotted bearing
lol slipknotted isn’t a word w3wt!!
Drats! The dreaded GT knot has foiled my plans again! >:(
Lol, my friends and i refer to them as “loop knots” or “getting looped”
Heh, and I say “Getting a wrap around the bearing”, or simply “a wrap”.
I don’t do GT’s in competition therefore I don’t really get those kinds of knots. However, I do keep an extra yoyo in my pocket if anything does happen to the first one. Thinking about rocking the 1 yoyo look for 2011 though