King Yo Star RAPID

How does the Rapid play? There are close to no reviews on it and I am wondering if this brand has good quality control, design, etc. How does it play? Is it worth the $120?

the rapid is very has a very different feel from my other main throws. comparing it to c3 lvl6, CLYW (OG)avalanche. when i first got it it was very light, yet fast. the edges look sharp to the hand but its quite comforting coming back to your hand after a hard bind. finger grinds on this thing are fun; palm grinds not so much. the only thing that somewhat disappointed me my first throw, because i did not expect it to be light and also the colours. i honestly think there should be bette/more colourways. TL:DR i though this yoyo was too light for me, i now love this yoyo and cannot throw yoyos over 67g.

expectations 3/5
play 5/5
feel 4/5
colours 3/5
overall 4.5/5

i hope this helped a bit :slight_smile:

Thank you! It did! I personally love the colors so I think will go ahead and get one.