Just here to introduce B-Grade Yo-yos

Do names for colorways need to be






Not gonna type the rest but wow, can you imagine what kinda names I’d have had for those?

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NMTBS ® coming soon. :wink:


Well, let’s say I will be keeping it PG, lol.

I will tell you, this discussion on the company name has consistently helped this thread remain at the top of the forums for days…

Even if the throws are “B-Grade” in quality, they probably will still sell out because everyone will know who they are now. Great marketing strategy. :grinning:

I can’t wait to see what the NQP B-Grade looks like.

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This was only posted less than 24 hours ago, but yeah, hopefully it will stay active and a ton of people get curious, I really thing this first throw will be worth everyone’s time. One friend said “I am trying to figure out whether this is the result of skill or luck,” I had to admit it was more luck. A few minor tweaks to the Proto and it will be off for production.

As for NQP or bgrade B-Grades, we shall find out. Gotta think of a clever name now that B-Grade is taken! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Im honestly quite surprised at how good the proto feels. Im very picky with yoyos so im interested to see where it goes!

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I am so happy to hear that. Your feedback has been really good.

You are on your own then if it’s gotta be PG. You might wanna reach out to Bill Cosby for name suggestions, lol.

Ooh, I don’t think “Slip a Roofie” is a PG title so I am going to avoid him.

Make a brown one and call it the Puddin Pop

Just sayin


I miss being a kid and eating fudge bars from the ice cream truck. *Congratulations, you have unlocked a core memory!

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I was a Strawberry Shortcake Bar coneissuer.

There are enough ice cream treats out there to use as colorway names.

You could name the company the Ice Cream Man

If things take off, you can drive up to yoyo contests in an Ice Cream Truck blaring that iconic music

Sell yoyos out of truck with a complimentary Ice Cream treat

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That would be the gimmick I would fall for! Same with the Strawberry shortcake, but that wasn’t until my teen years, as a kid, it was twin pops or screw balls, and fudge bars were by backup.

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This thread has been a lot of laughs, thanks guys.