Just got a YYF BOSS a little over a month ago, it turned responsive suddenly

I bought a YYF BOSS a little over a month ago, it all of a sudden turned responsive, i played with it for about an hour. It still remains repsonsive, i put some thin lube on it, let it dry, but still responsive. I’m getting really worried, before it was a dream. I also changed the pads before all this happened the same day, and i put a new string on, but still responsive.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

have you tried cleaning the bearing?

Unscrew the yoyo, and flick the bearing. It it isn’t smooth and spinning freely, you need to clean it.

Just changed pads - did you get them on straight, not touching the bearing?

Thank you very much all, i really appreciate all of the help, yes the pads are on good, not touching bearing etc. I will give cleaning the bearing a go, it wasn’t spinning so good when i did put it back in. I will try that and see what happens.
Thank you very much all. :slight_smile: