Im still a kid at heart and 90’s fashion was always “my jam.” That being said JNCOs have returned and are finally affordable (now that i have a job and all!)
Anyway, just ordered a few pairs to replace my old ones from when i was in high school in the late 90’s.
STUPID excited but found myself laughing at myself for coming full circle. Back in JNCOs, throwing yoyos, and playing Magic the Gathering.
Never been happier.
Question for fun.
How do you feel about floppy pants? Love em? Hate em? Couldnt care less?
In todays world of skin tight pants I stand proud against them, rocking the floppage till I die!
I remember when those pants were the rage. Bottoms were all chewed up because of dragging on the ground (I’m honestly surprised nobody ever face-planted from tripping over). The oversized pockets (you could probably fit your yoyo case in there). At the time I guess you could say they were cool, especially when you had a chain hooked up to your belt and wallet. I wouldn’t wear them today though, just not my thing
Flashback to high school, one of the guys I knew who played magic the gathering, had a couple yoyos, had the Pokemon cards, and rocked the floppage. Topping it off was one of those mushroom/bowl haircuts. Yup, those were the 90s for you.
I was that 90s bowl cut skater grungie. Good times, but I never grew out of the ultra wide legs. I never stopped. Haha! I’m just glad they are back. Eaten up my paychecks goooood.