Iwasawa Hook

Took me a few days to get it, I did it yesterday but didnt have my video camera with me. Special thanks to zach!  ;D

Cool, That cause double hook in one time.

Happy throwing! =]

Thats awesome.

Is it just another wrap around your finger? Same whipping motion?

I could never get this…

I can only do it with Perfect Fit Strings and Element Strings…

ooh i wanna see ur iwasawa hook

Like a video?

yea maybe

You can do it with any string.

Remember, anything is possible.

Isn’t that a Hidemasa Hook with another wrap? Good job, though. :wink:

Yep!!! Double hook.

Happy throwing! =]

Nope , double on hook.

Iwasawa hook is an easy trick. (For me anyways. :P)

it should be easy you can do a iwasawa tower laceration

Hey gm user, I noticed that you wear cammo pants in alot of your vids. It’s funny, just noticed.Great vid though.

Its cause he’s a war veteran. LOL. :smiley: