It's funny how absurdly talented people are here

First off I just wanna say that everyone on here has been super welcoming!

I just am blown away by how small of a fish I am in an absurdly big talent pool here. I’m glad I joined so that I can compare myself against people that have been doing this for longer so I have something to aim for.

Hope everyone is doing well!!!


Couldn’t agree more. Not only is it amazing, it is inspiring. I have no doubt improved my play by watching the folks on here.


The level that the best players at at these days is just insane. My mind still gets blown on a regular basis and I think that’s what keeps the hobby interesting.


I swear, things are accelerating at a very high rate. I’ve never been a top competitor, and the last stage routine I did was relaxed and for fun, but a few years ago, I could definitely hang with a lot of the higher lever tricks on Instagram.

There would be different “challenge” tricks that people would try and learn because they were hard, and I would make it a point to learn all of them. There were also a few tricks I made that I was (to my knowledge) the first person to successfully record, even though several people were trying.

BUT, I’ve been studying at college, and yoyoing less, and have been out of the loop for the past few years. So I decided to check up on what the high level of online tricks looked like with the “world’s best yo-yo tricks video” for 2022.

And GOOD LORD! The stuff these people are doing is so far above where it was two or three years ago, it’s crazy. As I said, there was a time when I was able to hand with some pretty difficult and rare tricks under my belt. But now, not even close.

I feel like I blinked, and the whole game changed.

Maybe everyone had too much time to practice during lockdown…


Watched that video just now and like… wha…? Hard to even imagine how people come up with stuff like this.

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I think the level of talent here makes perfect sense. We are on the other side of many barriers of entry into the hobby. One must have the patience and dedication to actually practice in a world where most people barely know how to use a keyboard.