It's Back! Roo Yo SV

The Roo Yo SV loves me. I have traded, sold, and even gifted this yoyo away at least five times maybe six. Last week I get a package in the mail and it has returned. It just keeps coming back! Yes, it’s the exact same yoyo finding it’s way home again and again. Creeeeeeepy :skull:

I guess it’s my destiny to spend more time with this 55g yoyo with the incredibly odd response. The response is gone at the moment so I will need to go to the hardware store.

Have you ever had this experience with a yoyo?


No but you just reminded me of Roo Yos existence with this post.


I had one of the non-SV Roo Yos for a hot minute that I gifted to a friend who worked in the gold industry and was a yoyo thrower as well.

It was an interesting design for sure. Rumor has it that the response was designed by accident when the machinist didn’t understand the directions for a normal o-ring response. Not sure how true that is though.


I’d understood this as well. Not certain where I first heard it, may have been YYN.

I guess I’ll keep it, at least for a while.


Was that one of the yoyos with the sectioned “arcs” for response? There was another yoyo I think called the rollout that had those.

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I feel like this yo-yo needs it’s own social media pages set up. The Adventures of Roo…or Around The World And Back…or something lol.
With photos and videos of all the stops it’s made along the way. The friends it’s had. The locations.


Yeah, exactly. There are a few photos on the yoyowiki page:



Wow Ethan, your dads idea was taken, show this to him @E2_yoyos

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Ahh I remember that now that I see it. I was thinking of this:


Looks like the samurai’s bigger brother

The response on the roll out came with every other depression filled with atv sili. If you wanted more response you just added sili to the other depressions. I still have one, however it’s raw.


Nope but that is a cool design !

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Nice find @fullnelson, why the pics of the R1’s though?

Somebody was talking about them, and their responses, so I just kinda threw it in to the mix…


Ahh… that was me lol! So long ago I forgot!

Reopen, just to give some information and correct errors, also and above all on the Wiki.
Let’s start with the story of the machinist’s error for the creation of the return system (the S.i.d.r.o.m.s.) … pure fantasy, there was never any error, it was thought to be like this from the beginning, more (2nd error in the Wiki) Niubi has nothing to do with the Roo-yo brand, he was one of the three founders of the Brokenyoyos brand (together with Saxa and Speed12), the Roo-yo brand was owned by Stefano Benassi (Steeeve) and di Taso, here you find the story, if you are interested in deepening (it is in Italian).
The return system is functional but it is not the best (in fact subsequently this system has not been used by anyone), the o-rings can be positioned more or less in depth but the string in the winding phase will always tend to push them to the bottom, therefore the possibility of response regulation is almost a marketing statement.
In addition to this, the response and return are never constant, sometimes they are ready, others tend to delay or not cling preventing the yoyo from returning … it all depends on where the loop is located at the precise moment of the bind, if in correspondence to the o-ring or in the gaps between them.
This characteristic, which is not exactly positive, is also found in the return system of the “R” series of the Roll-Out (SRS - Sight Response System) which, although of different workmanship, was inspired by the idea of ​​S.i.d.r.o.m.s.
modifications with recesses dug to accommodate fluid silicone are not rare in order to remedy these problems.

(Roo-yo Kaizen)

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In the realm of probability. My Shortest and most factual post on any forum in the last 21 years.

i cannot speak to the latter, but the former seems accurate in my experience… depending on which sentence you refer to… as it could be either really, looking back.