Is this legit?

Came across this turning point hinemosu on aliexpress for $100USD, seller claims yo-yo is geniune but doesn’t have original box.

Has anyone bought one?

Probably not and I think @fradiger and @MaximShoots know their fake TP

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Ahh toys operated the most legitimate yoyo store on AliExpress meaning you will
Get a yoyo. As for authenticity of the yoyo described questionable at best. There have been threads about yo-yos they sell and if they are the brands they say and a few folks have bought some but those threads got shutdown and folks flamed so I doubt you’ll get more of an answer here.

Short answer if that’s a yo-yo you truly want you should go to a more legitimate source. If you are willing to take the risk though then go for it.

That’s where I got my loop 2020s

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Those are fake but if you watch Mercari Japan you can get real used ones at a similar price point


Yup, these in particular are fake, but the storefront (Toys Operated Store) is legit (you will get what you ordered, I buy topyo releases from there semi-often).

This is what that fake mosu looks like:

Giveaways for people trying to tell them apart:

  • rims are very shiny on the fakes, almost look like SS at a glance
  • extra machining line in the cup (you can see a little ring around the nipple, this in my experience isn’t present on the real ones)

The weight/specs are identical though.


Curious how the fake plays despite having the same exact specs as original?

They’re close enough in play to where I can’t tell them apart easily. I suspect there’s a slight difference in the rims, since the rims on the real hinemosu spark very easily, while the rims on the fake one do spark it takes a bit of effort to do it.

So the rims on the fake are titanium?

Damn, that’s crazy how a fake can play so well.

I’m guessing I should just go with the fake then for almost half the price even tho it’s just as good as the original?

Never buy fakes. I did what I did for science alone because I buy/sell a lot of TP, so I want to know what fakes exist (also to be informative like this!).

Just pick up a mosu on the BST. You can get a used one in great condition for $150.

Also, the fakes have no QC, bad bearing seats, and come with the cheapest bearing + pads you can get.


Honestly that’s a gamble. It might be okay it might be a turd. It’s also not supporting the yoyo community or original designer in any way so there is some moral problem there but that’s for you to decide how to deal with.

QC on stuff like that is all over so I wouldn’t expect near identical even within the same batch of fakes.


What’s BST?

Do you have any TPs for sale?

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bst is the buy/sell/trade section of the forums, people offer up their yo-yos they currently own. 90% of sellers are super nice and legit, highly recommend for deals

BST → Buy/Sell/Trade (aka secondary market)

I don’t personally at the moment but you can post up a thread in Buy / Sell / Trade looking for things or perusing around.

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90% is a lowball here :smiley:

I’ve traded/bought/sold probably over 100 times now, and had one bad transaction (and it was my fault! …wrote the wrong zipcode on the box, got it sorted out :slight_smile: ).

So my personal metric is approx. 99%!


true! everyone here is super sweet and just human, so it’s always smooth

Same I’ve never had a bad deal only good experiences and some quite excellent there are occasional bad eggs so still ask for references for trading or use G&C when buying so you protect yourself unless your comfortable with the transaction.

I’ve come to implicitly trust many people in this forum but do your homework a bit still.

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before making the purchase:

after making the purchase and reading the “Fake Throws” thread:

so yeah its 100% fake, machine marks on the cup, the rim are not an exact fit and oversized as with many of these fakes. i didnt do my due diligence because the shop was legit and the price couldve been huge discount since ive seen some retailers sell for ~160$.

believe its not worth half of what they are asking.