Is there any money to be made in yoyo’ing?

I could easily become a millionaire yoyoing. Though I would first need to be a billionaire.


i think if you busked with your yoyo - you could probably pick up some coin.



I walked around school once (a while ago) asking for a quarter from everyone. I ended up with enough for dinner and a movie. Thats always an option.


John Higby has made a career out of doing just that.


Haha. I’m totally stealing this quote.

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That is a variation on the old joke:

Q: How do you make a million in the stock market?
A: Start with two million.


No. To be realistic in the modern era, not a lot of money to be made aside from sales. Society has become so overly litigious on every front that getting a venue for performing arts of any sort is hell. Add to that the fact that people simply dont got out to see performers much anymore, not like they used too why is this ??? Who knows, many many reasons im sure, but they don’t, and any sort of performing art, which yoyo is I believe suffers, be it music, theater, or a yoyo performance. Yes they still happen, but they are becoming more and more rare, no ?
Andre B. has probably done better than most, even Steve Brown has to supplement his income with a day job. I think he has also worked for a couple of yoyo companies in capacities aside from yoyo pro. Not that there is any shame in a regular job of course.
I would think the list of people who have exclusively made a living, to comfortably support themselves and possibly any family through yoyo play or sales for a significant period of time, would be a relatively small list.
Would be interesting to see it if such a list existed ?


People just socialize and watch a lot of things online. I work in the activities department at a huge resort and over the last 7-8 years less people come to a lot of group activities to socialize and have fun because they can do this on their social media while having their morning coffee. That’s my theory.