Is there a way to touch up anodizing on a yoyo?

is there a way to do touch up work on a yoyo’s anodized finish that wont wear off easily?


Unfortunately there isn’t a good way to do this. :frowning: Only option is to strip the yoyo and start over completely.


Darn, got a hspin pyro the other day that’s seen better days. i’d loose the flame engravings if i started over. oh well

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Damb that’s a bummer to hear :sleepy:

Also, sorta related question: I was playing with the pyro over tile floor and accidentally added another ding to it (which oddly enough took some vide out of the yoyo) and the room immediately smelled like someone struck a match or a firework went off or something. The tile had a small burn mark on it where it hit. Is this normal with aluminum yoyos?

Yeah that’s from the ano burning off. If the yoyo is raw this wouldn’t happen because there’s no ano to burn off

If you play 3a with anodized yoyos you’ll be smelling that a lot :joy:


got it, ok. i was weirded out because i thought only titanium sparks

For very small repairs I have had some success with enamel paint.