Innovations in 2A/Looping Yoyos?

Most are familiar with at least some historical innovations in unreponsive yoyos, from things like the use of non-organic shapes as well as the implementation of different materials, like in bimetal or titanium yoyos. Modern responsive yoyos also seem rather distinct from their predecessors.

However, I don’t follow 2A much, and was wondering if there were similar historical developments there?


Hey welcome back. I thought someone more knowledgeable would respond but no one did and now I feel bad that you got ignored.
Soooo with my limited knowledge I would say no. Once there was not a need anymore to mod raiders because you could just buy looping yoyos that were ready to loop out of the box with no modding required I would say there was no more big innovation.
The only innovation I can think of are looping yoyos with adjustable gap width like the loop 1080 from yoyofactory , or the loopup from JPLsolutions. There are loop yoyos with LED caps like the Loop 2020 or the duncan limelight. The guys from yotricks have made a beginner loop yoyo called the oracle which have replaceable response stickers (just like 1A yoyos) instead of the starburst response system (starburst are the plastic teeth that make the zzzzzzzzzz sound when the yoyo sleeps). But all those innovations are pretty small in my opinion.

aluminum looping yoyos exist too but plastic is clearly superior


I’m still waiting on good light up 2a yoyo’s that have lights in both sides.

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The loop 720 led that dropped on rewind and hopefully come to yye are two sided. I’m excited for those.

Also the 2020 are nice but having to turn them on kind of blows


The magicyoyo d5 starlight has a strong light on both sides. But they are heavy.

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I want one that just like beeps when my loops are bad. Or someway to make 2a more accessible like easier for players to start bc its freaking hard.

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I was hoping somebody more knowledgeable about the history of looping yoyos would chime in, but isn’t a fairly modern advancement to have the spacers extend past the starburst, or at least be flush with the outermost edge of the starburst?

Something like that design choice allows for shrinking the gap width while keeping the string from directly rubbing against the starburst if you play clean. So it can simultaneously be more responsive, and have longer sleep times for around the worlds and wraps and whatnot.

I feel like I recall somebody saying that was a big looping yoyo innovation.


@JeiCheetah knows a thing or two, Go Raiders

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In my opinion there haven’t been any successful innovations in 2a since the Loop 720 came out in 2017 (?). There are some different ways to adjust the gap but nothing terribly innovative.

The Duncan Pulse lights on both sides and you dont have to turn them on. And they’re cheap.

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As far as good yoyo’s for beginners I would go with the Oracles and the blitz ball loopers.The oracle yoyo is better for slower loops and works best with fat string

The blitz ball loopers are very consistent and allow me to loop indefinitely. They work best with thin looping string (I like project 44 looping string)

These yoyo’s are also cheap. The Oracles cost about $10 and the blitz ball cost $12.


duncan already did this to the new pulse yoyo, plus the weight is doable to loop and you only need some minor maintenance on the bearing.

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I don’t think my problem is the yo-yos I have but I wish that was the problem hah I can loop with my good hand fine, I just suck with two still. I know I’ll get it with practice but it has been hard for me.


Same here I’m fantastic with my good hand and alright with my off hand put them together and I get trash.

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