Inner Ring Bimetal Recomendation

I would recommend (especially if you like inner ring bi metals) the motive, Connor Seals signature yo yo. Good weight distribution. Nice and wide. Decent price. And generally a great bi metal, don’t think you can go wrong with it.


The M001 was my first metal yoyo, but idk if it’s actually bimetal. The only inner ring bimetal I have is the R4, and it’s easily far and away my favorite throw. It does cost $100, but it is certainly worth it.

I’m trying to get a n6 or this. I’m probably going to get a n6 though.

This just landed on YYE


thanks @DrewMarshall

The vulture is a Yoyo that totally caught me by surprise In the best way and I can’t speak highly enough about it. I think it’s a great option. If u like organic check out the hatrick 2! Also agree with the r4. It’s a stud!

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Ive never been a big bi metal person but if it comes down to it inner rings are best imo. I want to try one of the damian puckett ones! Fusion i believe its called?

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yea thats what its called

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It looks really good!

Wingweaver is another, but ive yet to try either.

YoYo Recreation Anomaly
Incredible throw
Inner ring bi metal
High end budget.
You never said what your budget is, so this fits as far as I know.
Highly recommend

Enjoy the throw


Yeah the wingwever is actually really good. I got one in a trade and it’s great.

Yoyofactory R4 these feel and play great and its in stock



Jup, i‘m also in love with the vulture but rarely see people talk about it. Such a great feeling throw.

But like also mentioned in this thread - it‘s hard to pick one that is actually bad/not worth the money.


After trying 6 bimetals, my favorite was an inner-rim (most of the outer-rim made me like my monometals more…). It’s the only one I’ve played so far, but if you like organics the PDX-Yo Batsquatch is fantastic. Comfortable, fun, but no compromise in performance. I really want to try a Vulture next.


Journey really good and is currently discounted

The Bi-metal Crossbones also just dropped


Good grief. I like the look of that Journey. That’s a fat chunk of steel in it.

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