I'm a returning yo-yo hobbyist and I need some help with finding some cheap yo-yos

I am returning to this hobby after 2.5 years after having to sell everything to get a plane ticket to move to my mother’s house due to an abusive relationship with my father’s side of my family. I just need to find a good way to get a collection going again, please send me some links or something.

This might make me seem like a beggar but if possible if any of you have something your going to throw away please consider sending it to me I don’t care about condition I am pretty good with tools. It would mean a lot to me.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

If you have anything to send I can give you my address though I might not be able to pay for shipping I literally have a bank account with money in the single digits.

Edit: I am currently trying to get a job at a local table top game store that’s why I asked for sites with cheap yo-yos I always try to estimate and budget when I can but the plane ticket took almost every dollar I had

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Are you in USA? Send me your address and i will send a couple throws your way for Christmas.


Please edit your post and remove your address. I forgot you can’t PM so I will PM you.

Check the Buy/Sell/Trade section here…

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