I don’t know, I was bored and felt like doing something. Interesting talking. What lime-green yo-yo do you have? Quantity? Just wondering.
I have a velocity that was supposed to be neon green, but it looks more unripe lemon green, almost lime.
i have a duncan proyo
Oh yeah i have one too! thats green of course
My old G5. Its Connors now!
And on a totally unrelated note, rsmod13 has 1111 posts! Haha!
Never noticed :o
Screenshot of awesomeness.
11 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes, 1111 posts.
How weird.
I got a Duncan profire that looks old and ugly but its not hat old but still greenish.

My old G5. Its Connors now!
And on a totally unrelated note, rsmod13 has 1111 posts! Haha!
Never noticed :o
Screenshot of awesomeness.
11 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes, 1111 posts.
L0l thats pretty sweet.
I have a green Duncan Proyo and a green YoyoJam Legacy.
I also have a dark green Yomega Brain but it only looks lime green in pictures.
Don’t you think this is spamming?
Don’t you think this is spamming?
I kind of agree. :-\
Don’t you think this is spamming?
Well isn’t someone quite serious…
But I believe Sr is getting done what he set out to do;get the board talking…
I’m just messin’ with ya
I have a green PGM…
Emily:Don’t you think this is spamming?
I kind of agree. :-\
You too >:(
loosen up…
“Get your Spamm on”…
Just messing with you too