If you had $20,000 to make yo-yo more popular in the future, how would you spend it?

how many yoyos can you buy direct through yoyofactory for $15,000?
I only mention yoyofactory because I assume they would have the resources.
Should it be tug responsive?
I’d love to see a resurgence in yoyo and it be responsive play, just like the 90’s boom.
It is the easiest to teach in a short period of time.

I would assume that $15k could buy a crap ton of Spinstars, which are great for teaching.


Those look great, assuming yyf would sell them for 3 bucks a pop, that is 5,000 new yoyoers.

During the 90’s boom we would also get yoyo catalogues (think it was inf. illusions) and we would just drool over the Cherry Bomb’s, Tigershark, Samurai, Cold Fusions, etc… Catalogues are now obsolete, but maybe if yoyoexpert printed something like this and it was given out with the spinstar it would go a long way. It would also direct them to this forum for future help after the initial basics were taught?


I think the most responsible way are school programs as well, and possibly summer camps.

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Or just walking the streets with a backpack full of yoyos in a heavily populated area, stopping a family, asking if you can give their child a yoyo and some pointers and a pamplet, costs the family nothing, and gets their kid off video games and back in the real world.

The problem with giving away free stuff is that people have an insatiable desire for free… anything. Even if they have zero intent of ever using it, they’ll grab what you’re giving out, if it is for free.

My feeling with yo-yos is that you show it to people, and those who approach you with interest (or even pay attention long enough to indicate they’re interested) should get one.


It is all in the presentation. If you have a sign that says free yoyos, I wholeheartedly agree that it doesn’t work. Hold up a sign that says free yoyo lessons though, and suprising those that are into it with a free yoyo after would work wonders.


The popularity of yoyoing comes and goes, up and down, just like a yoyo. In my mind, you’re trying to get kids and kids at heart to embrace old technology. Yep, the guy that hates making videos, taking pictures and using cell phones is laughing. :sweat_smile: It’s old tech, even though modern yoyos are incredibly machined, coated, have bearings, are anodized, and spin forever, they are still just two identical halves connected with an axle. The perception, old tech. :wink:

I have given hundred of yoyos away, but never have I yelled out, “FREE YOYO’S.” I’ve always played my own yoyo and when someone shows genuine interest, they get a yoyo. If you want people to yoyo, you need to share yoyoing. It wouldn’t surprise me if the majority of people that yoyo, rarely, if ever, share yoyoing with anyone. If people shared more, yoyoing would grow.

Then again I’ve heard people say that they don’t want yoyoing to grow because they yoyo to be different. That’s a different thing completely.

So to answer a bit more directly, give the bucks to those that share yoyoing and are passionate about it. Let them spread the love of yoyoing.

Will that make yoyoing more popular in the future? I doubt it but maybe.


Homeless go to a school for panhandling. Create a school for panhandling teaching them to yoyo. When millions of homeless start yoyoing, it will get national coverage. It will also keep yoyoing in the spotlight at all metropolitian areas daily.


Will Yoyo for Food to Will Yoyo for You.

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put 20k into developing some form of Ness…movie, tv series, cartoon, what have you - his personality centered around the yoyo - maybe kids will say: “I wanna be like Ness”


Wasn’t suggesting just hurling them out the back of a truck and then yelling “COME BACK TO US LATER WHEN YOU HAVE LEARNED!”

You buy the yoyos, set up “free yoyo lesson” classes at libraries and schools and scout meetings and such, and then you surprise the kids with a free yoyo when they are leaving. If people are showing up to learn, and that’s their primary motivation, leaving with a free yoyo sweetens the deal. Or you sell the yoyos at a loss or break-even just to discourage the “free” mentality and offset costs. Make it a “suggested donation of $5” and if people can’t afford they just get one free anyway.

But since I don’t have $20k to hurl at being the Johnny Appleseed of yoyoing, the logistics of how I would do it are not of great concern, lol.


Hahahaha idk dude you might be into something with the drive by yoyo truck.

But I completely agree with you man. I posted pretty much the same idea a while back. Giving out yoyos to interested kids is the best way to go. Ideally with some demonstration/lessons.

Yoyos are no longer easy to get. If you’re lucky, your local target has a Duncan butterly. Mine doesn’t. Other than that, you pretty much have to get them online.


Buying things online is basically commonplace for practically anyone these days, so I don’t find that much of an issue. The main issue is that most people would probably just flock to Amazon, and their popular suggestions arent that great, and you can tell by the reviews that a lot of the purchasers have basically no knowledge about yoyos, maintenance, etc.

Putting the right yoyo into a kid’s hands will probably encourage the hobby much more than a kid’s random interest, but unfortunately I bet hundreds or even thousands of kids have already tried yoyo and lost interest due to not getting the right yoyo at the right time. Not really sure where im going with this, but it’s just an observation I made.

This may be a dumb question, but who is Tyler?

Tyler Severance of Recess.

I’m starting to genuinely believe that coding is planning on throwing 20k at the yoyo industry and that this is more than just a theoretical topic.


Ok thanks, and if coding does that someone needs to lazed engrave his logo on his favorite and least favorite yoyos then send it to him

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I must say it feels nice to be appreciated.

Of course if I was doing it for money, I’d be doing something else! :grin:

Just coming, and helping it grow and continue is great.

In the past, I’ve gotten several kids into yoyos by playing with mine during the Rock and Blues Camp where I am a counselor. This year we will be hosting the camp at Rehearse Live, so I’m going to try to promote the meetup to kids who get interested in yoyoing during the camp.


Make it a part of school curriculum


Pay PBS to do a day of yoyos.