Get a Hendiatris
Lots of RBC love on this thread. I’m not sure if I’m trying to get a responsive though. It does look cool.
Ah yes I’ve been meaning to get one!
I’d probably get a lot of beginner yoyo stuff, like a speedholic xx, two loop 2020 and an on sale 5A shutter.
Nope havent heard much but ive heard great things about the kagerou which is the bimetal mirage.
I like the shape mostly!
I did win a cert on the remix thread and i got myself a c3Yo Hydrogen Crash.
Red or Black and Red RBC plus maybe some string or other accessories.
Unresponsive? Maybe a Ministar 2 or a Masamini v2 or a Toonie.
If you really want full sized, maybe an Iceburg (new) or a Deep States and a Pom Mojo.
I’d just tell YYE to put it towards getting decent beginner yoyos into the hands of eager youngsters. I have enough yoyos and yoyo supplies to last me until I am 200 years old.