I wish I never quit. (this is not spam)

There are people out there that have no life. They hate because it gives them something to do. They think it makes them cool. Too bad really. Those people end up begging for money on the street corner when they grow up.


I disagree, it’s not too bad. They get what they deserve, they brought it upon themselves

thanks man!!! but you have to admit, you still have the skills

This was one of the reasons i didn’t bring my yoyo to school, but today i brought it and i used it after i change back into my uniform and everybody that saw me was impressed. Even my friend who doesn’t yoyo said that if they call you names it is because they’re jealous of your talent.

For every one person who loves you, ten hate you. That’s a quote from a baseball player, I don’t remember the exact source, but the quote itself has always stuck with me. It seems to bug people that ten more people will hate than love.

But that should inspire you more than anything. I find hate to be the one thing that drives me to do better. The satisfaction of looking back and making them look stupid is the best ever. When people stop hating what I do, I tend to not do it anymore, not because it doesn’t bug anyone, but because I have lost my drive. whenever someone says “That’s stupid.” I do one thing and one thing only, I extend my hand to them, and tell them “Thank you.” because they drive me more than anyone else to do the things I love.

For every one person who loves me, I find ten more to inspire me.

What does that have to do with having bad friends?

Well, that just about sums up life, the negaverse, and everything. Though I generally find my self on a 1 to 8 ratio, but i’m not very social.

yeah, i had the same problem but the thing is, i’m fat. then i realized something,

all of the people who make fun of me being fat, are the ones who will never make it past high school and are taking their problems of the dieing life out on me. as soon as i realized that i felt really happy

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Dont quit just because of haters. You are unique in your school. No one else can do it. Just think of it as a skill that no one else in your school can do. What CAN they do? Play Counter Strike like a Pro 24/7? Pfft. You get the Chicks :wink: