I will be fasting from the forum for a week or so

Along with all my other social media accounts (insta, Reddit).

Since I’m active here on a daily basis, I figured I’d let everyone know. I’ve been spending a little bit too much time on here and I need to take a break. Nothing permanent, I just need to prioritize some other things.

Happy throwing,



I look forward to your return.


Enjoy your break and come back soon! :slight_smile:

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I’ll miss ya, bro. Take care.

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No, I object! :wink:

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I, too, have decided to take a break from the forum.

My cave people have enlightened me of a ancient custom that is completely new and refreshing to me.

They call the ritual ‘lunch’ and said it is quite the thing.

So I will be gone for prolly an hour.

Farewell to each and every one of you.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

It’s been a peach😕



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