I thought I was just really bad at snap starts...

…but it turns out the response in my main throw is toast.

Any advice for re-siliconing it? I’ve never done it before.
I’ve watched a bunch of videos, but most all of the info is old.
I’m guessing that’s because it just hasn’t changed in regards to the way you do it.

But, I figured I’d ask the pros.

1 - Put silicone in the groove as evenly as possible.

2 - Recess/level out with a plastic spoon or something similar with a good edge.

3 - Wipe away any excess silicone with a cloth/paper towel.

4 - Leave it alone and let it dry for a while, I usually let it sit overnight.

It’s pretty basic, but getting the technique down may take a few tries. The first time I siliconed a yo-yo I recessed it too much and had to start over, it just takes practice.

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Does it take a full 24 hours to dry, or would over night be enough?

Cure time depends on what you use. Best to follow the directions on the tube. It tends to skin over on the surface but underneath can still be uncured and it will pull out more easily.

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Ok, the crap silicone I used completely didn’t work.
It started tearing and coming out within a few throws.
It was the only thing they had at Lowe’s so I guess I’ll hit up and auto parts store next.

Any suggestions about how to get all the old silicone out?

The old stuff should peel out fairly easy. You may need to do some scraping. Was that silicon window caulk or the bath tub sealer? The auto parts store should have the flowable stuff used for wind shield sealing.

You know you could buy some of the monkey finger yoyo silicone

This stuff works good I have a friend who uses it

My technique differs from Garrett’s slightly:

1 - Put silicone in the groove, ensuring that you’re not making big pockets of air. Whether it’s particularly even or not doesn’t matter to me because of #2

2 - Recess/level out with a plastic spoon or something similar with a good edge.

3 - Leave all of the excess in place. This makes the job feel much quicker and less fussy!

4 - Leave it alone and let it dry for a while, I usually let it sit overnight.

5 - Peel off all the excess. Because it was allowed to cure, it comes off really easily. You MAY need to wipe a region with an alcohol swab or a soapy paper towel. Probably not, though.

I’ve also recessed too much and have had to start over. It’s not the end of the world.

Once you get good at it you don’t even have to recess.

Not sure if you and I are on the same page here. :wink: Recessing is desirable; if the silicone is flush with the aluminum straight across, it can cause a snaggy response.

If you mean, “you can pour the right amount if it’s flowable; then it’s already recessed the right amount without needing to use the spoon or whatever”, I do agree. However, the job is faster if you just overfill and level it with the plastic spoon (or guitar pick).

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autoparts store silicone is the most cost effective way to go.

I personally bought a tube of Monkey snot to replace responses with, and it is so easy to apply, it kills other methods. More expensive, yes, but if you have the funds later on, it’s my preferred method.

IDK if it works or not, but I like to turn on the oven light and set the yoyo in there (I live with my girlfriend, no chance of accidentally baking a yoyo)

seems to cure to playability within 8ish hours, but I tend to avoid play until the next day