I think i might have hit 2.5 hook

Well done mate, now work to make it happen all the time.

If I can I leave you some tips, I do it without problems:

  • Put the hand that catch the hook lower than the other one (for 2.5 the right hand just a bit lower than the left)

  • Follow the speed of your string, when you throw the string follow it with your eyes do not let everything just happen randomly, follow the movement and whip quite strongly.

  • Once done the first loop I sort of give again power to my rotation adding spin with my wrists to catch the 2.5 hook, is like 2 movement one spin the string around the finger and the second spin in the air give power to lock the hook.

-I keep my fingers slighlty pointing forward and also not perfectly parallel to the ground but with the point of the finger a bit up to the sky

  • While doing the rotation keep your hands quite close, it give more string to the hook and enanche the chances to hook it

Good luck bro!